Reliance on van-based delivery platforms is coming to an end. Governments and businesses across the globe are busy grappling with the transition from van to  faster, cleaner and quieter LEVs and cargobikes.

Unlock efficiencies to cut costs and grow your addressable market... 

The online grocery market crept up to 13.1% last year, much of it due to inflation. Why isn’t it 60%? …or more?  -  Because until now it’s been too costly to add capacity, and because until now it's cost grocers and their customers more than it needs to.

There are tremendous opportunities to reduce costs and grow market share for businesses that get the transition to this new technology right first time.

cleanairmiles ono loading

The productivity gains afforded by 2nd generation cargobikes and LEVs are substantial – but their full potential is only realizable when all elements of the fulfilment eco-system are considered. where do you start?

We've made millions of temperature controlled deliveries for couriers, grocery and retail multiples, FM and service companies, guiding them through the process of reconfiguring their operations to enable deployment of these transformative technologies. 

Past and current clients low sat

Here are some of the areas we've developed expertise in over the past 7 years...

The Hardware

  • Vehicle choice, maintenance programs, vehicle and goods tracking
  • Fast, safe and insurance compliant bulk battery charging

The Software

  • Vehicle-specific route planning, scheduling and optimizing
  • Back-end systems adaptation, testing and deployment
  • Re-configuring the front-end to offer your customers variable delivery slot pricing matched in real time to your variable delivery capacity and costs

The Operations  

  • Re-designing replenishment, picking, packing and loading processes
  • Design, run, and analyse physical pilots to inform full fleet deployment

The People 

  • Working practice adjustments and re-training both management and delivery staff to these new ways of doing things

The Customer experience 

  • Leveraging and promoting your new variable slot pricing and zero-emission delivery capability to your customers
cleanairmiles client journey